Responsible growth from the very roots

Discovering the balance between quality, environment and health & safety

Moving towards a sustainable future




  • Moving towards a sustainable future
  • Discovering the balance between quality, environment and health & safety
  • Responsible growth from the very roots

Interglobo prioritises responsible growth that is mindful of business developments.

Interglobo offers a service that is focused on quality and technological innovation.

A journey from the past to the future,
leading the way through continuous responsible growth.

Interglobo prioritises responsible growth that is mindful of business developments.

Interglobo offers a service that is focused on quality and technological innovation.

A journey from the past to the future,
leading the way through continuous responsible growth.

Responsible growth from the very roots


Since its foundation, the Corporate Management has been guiding the company along the path of responsible growth, in keeping with its identity and values.

Discovering the balance between quality, environment and health & safety


In line with the company’s strategic framework and the broader design promoted by the UN in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the planet, the Corporate Management is committed to overcoming its compliance obligations by deploying all the resources necessary to pursue the objectives of the integrated management system:

Responsible company growth: prioritising careful risk assessment and a system of long-term social and environmental, health and safety, as well as economic and financial, benefits

Excellence and sustainability of services: continuous digital evolution, in-depth staff expertise and a choice of highly qualified partners

Listening to and progressively involving stakeholders: building relationships based on trust and collaboration and improving understanding of our own context

Caring for our staff: creating a safe and positive working environment in which everyone can make a contribution and be valued

Creating a culture of sustainability within the company: involving people in training and raising awareness of environmental best practices

Minimising our indirect carbon footprint: by continuously raising awareness amongst suppliers and partners

Continuously improving our environmental performance: ongoing monitoring of activities with the highest impact and implementing specific environmental programmes

The protection of the health and safety of workers: through the implementation of preventive actions in order to significantly reduce the probability of accident, injury or other non-conformities

Worker consultation: on issues related to safety and health at work, including through the Workers’ Safety Representative

Awareness-raising and training of staff: disseminating the idea that responsibility in the management of Occupational Health and Safety concerns the entire company organization

Moving towards a
sustainable future


At Interglobo, we are aware that we are only at the beginning, but we are convinced that we are on the right track and, above all, that each of us, including suppliers and partners, must do our part to ensure environmental sustainability, quality and health & safety.

The Corporate Management undertakes to disseminate and communicate the Quality, Environment and Health & Safety Policy to the company’s staff and to all Interglobo S.r.l.’s stakeholders, as well as to periodically assess its relevance.

For further information, please contact us at:

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